SAGA LANDSCAREFUL EXPLORER FEAT 4 SHINING KINGDOMS ARCHETYPE 23Prerequisites Pathfinder Agent DedicationYouve explored enough dusty tombs and hiddenvaults to gain a sixth sense about traps, and yousometimes notice them even when youre not trying to.Even if you arent Searching in exploration mode, you geta check to find traps that normally require you to Search forthem. Here the cities runFedericoMusetti, MircoPaganessi,MaryJane Pajaron, RobertoPitturru, rich with opportunity, but the deserts still threaten to swallow them and all their luxuries.Riccardo Rullo, Ainur Salimova, KyuShik Shin, andYasen Stoilov 6 High Seas 60ART DIRECTION AND GRAPHIC DESIGN The oceans of Golarion are ruled over by pirates, sea monsters, and the fickle goddess of theEmily Crowell, Sonja Morris, andSarah E. Robinson waves. Arcadias myriad cultures have remained surprisingly peaceful and insular ever since, focusing their energy on the wellbeing of their 3923 ar The Pit of Gormuz opens citizens. Type: Hardcover. Now, with the death of the city's founder-god Aroden, the disappearance of the city's lord mayor, and newly launched attacks from some of its greatest foes, Absalom stands at the gateway to a new and uncertain destiny! His metal automatons are defeated by the citys druids.14ABSALOM WORLD GUIDEand each with numerous neighborhoods and intrigues tempting to both common 4137 ar Under the banner of theresidents and thrill-seeking adventurers alike. Beyond a massive gate bearing the GUIDEGlyph of the Open Road lie seven ancient fortresses, each with its own function International trade lies at the heart ofrelated to the Societys worldwide affairs. Yet Golarion is much larger than any one nation or continent, and adventurers from the Inner Sea may travel far and wide in pursuit of 4202 ar Gnomes first arrive on the greatness. Those few modern expeditions that venture near the across the Inner Sea region. This includes the architecture, the history, important locations, and most importantly, its people. Most of the surviving minotaurs fled into the Riven Hills, where they harry Absalom and its allies to this day from their settlement at Hazrak. Theaters, performance halls, andconcert venues with worldwide reputations crowdthe ivy-lined streets that give the district its name,as do dozens more with less savory standing.Performers and artists scrape by on the patronageof nobles, and bardic schools like the White Grottotrain the next generation of performers. The Age of Lost Omens is filled with people of all types, including more than just those of common ancestries. View cart for details. Here satisfy an archetype dedication feat by the River of Souls ends in the Boneyard, where the goddess Pharasma judges each gaining a certain number of feats from individual and assigns them to a realm according to their morality and beliefs. CENTAUR SAGA LANDSDunmire SHINING KINGDOMSNorth of the Kortos Mounts, the isle slopes toward the sea and thecentral lowlands sink into the Dunmire, a vast bog shrouded in thick 19fog that reaches a humans knees. elves called drow. Product Info. The forests eastern reachAEON TOWERS touches the Tyrants Grasp, where blighted trees grow warped and twisted by the necromantic corruption left by Tar-Baphons defeat, and the clearings are haunted Aroden erected each of the four ancient by undead wretches and sinister cultists of the Whispering Way. One must be to Constitution or Youre trained in the Acrobatics skill and the Absalom Lore Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost. Arodens ascension via the Starstone, the minotaur warlord Voradni Voon, conqueror of central Casmaron, plotted to wrest the stone from humanitys god 166 ar The Archmage Nex and take his own place among the deities. Whats more, those sailors 4709 ar Golarion learns of the who do return home often mysteriously forget the details of their voyages shortly existence of evil subterranean afterward, suggesting that the continents isolation may not be completely natural. By: Paizo Publishing. The following backgrounds are particularly suitable for characters from the Absalom region. GUIDE 3470 ar Ancient Osirion is founded.Avistan 2323 ar Shory aeromancers establish OVERVIEW ABSALOMSettled by immigrants and refugees from all directions, this northern continent Kho, their first flying a hodgepodge of cosmopolitan cultures. (especially by the dwarven mining HIGH SEAS enclave at Galizhur) feed Absaloms many IMPOSSIBLEARCHAIC WAYFINDER ITEM 2 craftworks, whose products are exported LANDS worldwide. Aroden launches the First Today, Azlant is an uncharted maze of shattered islands. Now, with the death of the city. Absalom is founded. the lost continent lest greedy fools inadvertently trigger a second apocalypseand picked over by the few bold adventurers in search of ancient magic who manage 4640 ar After decades of civil war, to dodge their attention. The southern shores of the Inner Sea 1281 ar Descendants of Azlant join ANDhold urbanized political powerhouses vying for dominance: Hell-allied Cheliax, STARSTONEthe crumbled and decadent empire of Taldor, and the upstart democracy Andoran. For nearly 5,000 years, the great city of Absalom has stood at the center of the Inner Sea's culture, commerce, and prophecy. Below is a brief overview of Golarions different major regions. When attempting Recall Knowledge checksagainst creatures on your list in later encounters,you gain a +2 circumstance bonus, and you learn anadditional fact about such creatures on a success. TRADE CONSORTIUM UNDERLING BACKGROUND Your experience as a ledger-keeper for one of Absaloms trade guilds has made you a canny investor and shrewd entrepreneur. This guide to the world of Pathfinder presents the people and organizations that can helpor hinderheroes like you! Those who sail the high seas are subject only to themselves and their own fortune!CREATIVE DIRECTORJames JacobsPUBLISHERErik Mona Paizo Inc. 7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120 Redmond, WA 98052-0577 27 Impossible Lands 72From a city forced to live without magic to a kingdom ruled entirely by the undead,the Impossible Lands are scarred by an ancient war between two of Golarionsmost powerful mages.8 Mwangi Expanse 84A land characterized by its bounty, the Mwangi Expanse remains ruled bypowerful and unique city-states. Tar-Baphon HIGH SEASThe Inner Sea is among the most heavily trafficked waterways on Golarion, and has recently broken free of his IMPOSSIBLEthus its no coincidence that Absalom, the island nation at its heart, is often called prison, destroying the nation of LANDSthe City at the Center of the World. The Eye of Abendego forms off of Garunds western Ruins of Azlant coast, drowning the nations of Lirgen and Yamasa. Ancestry represents what people a Azlant, born on a now-destroyed continent in the middle Knights of character calls their own or is most closely associated of the Arcadian Ocean. Nar-Vothis the closest to a conventional cave system. ABSALOM, CITY OF LOST OMENS Paizo's complete published book is included in smaller booklets that allow the GM to organize the parts of the city needed for a particular session, whether it be an individual district, the comprehensive list of NPCs, or the introduction to the city. ARCANAMIRIUM ARCHDEAN DARCHANA Greater Kortos Absalom claims all of the Isle of Kortos as its domain, but several wild regions remain outside the citys direct control. Choose two ability boosts. The Last Azlanti pushed Voon and his army back to the plateau, wracking it with a series of powerful earthquakes that shattered the 430 ar The Pirate Siege of Absalom. Foreign Quarter Absaloms Foreign Quarter boasts whole neighborhoods that take on the character of distant lands. Pathfinder: Absalom, City of Lost Omens - $46.99. with the agents of Absalom properoften ROADAll commercial traffic coming through the Trawl falls under the careful scrutiny in the form of altercations with the HIGH SEASof the Kortos Consortium, an association of guildmasters and merchant lords First Guards Eagle Garrison patrols IMPOSSIBLEwho control the islands considerable mining, farming, trapping, fishing, and are a cause of some tension with the LANDSoyster-harvesting trades and administer Diobels many thriving markets. Voons assault was but the first, After Aroden leaves Absalom however; would-be conquerors have besieged Absalom more than 100 times in the to more fully embrace his 5 millennia since the First Siege. You cannot retrain a These souls eventually become outsiders, or fade into the very fabric of the planes dedication feat as long as you have any themselves. The wooded foothills of the Kortos Mounts hold mines, both on the Isle of Erran, in the first decades active and inactive, almost all of which have inhabitants of one kind or another. Are you ready? Eastgates verdant Green Ridge neighborhood is home to the Grand Holt, the oldest and largest tree on the Isle of Kortos. The middle section, Sekamina, once boasted a vast serpentfolk Arodens new herald. Once you These four realms are each devoted to an elementAir, Earth, Fire, and Water have the archetypes dedication feat, you and wrap around each other like the layers of an onion. SAGAxenophobic Kaladay bans foreigners from its fabulous cities. Most Arcadians remain suspicious 3502 ar Old-Mage Jatembe and of foreign cultures that are inclined toward conquest. Conjure the mighty Eleanor Ferron and Luis Loza DESIGN LEAD avatars of these beings as a sign of their favor, or see their wrath and blessings manifest in the Mark Seifter EDITING LEAD form of divine intercessions! kickstarter. This silvery void connects the Outer Sphere to all the other planes and is mostly ARCHETYPES empty save for the River of Souls, which carries mortal spirits to their afterlives in the Outer Sphere. They also gain resistance to positive his specific design. radius. These rules have been provided for use along with the other Azarketi feats and heritages found in Lost Omens Ancestry Guide. When northern Garund as the first the devastation of a meteor impact shattered the Razatlani civilization, the nations human empire in the Inner that were reborn from the wreckage found themselves forced to cooperate with Sea region since Earthfall. Last two days to back the system agnostic Quest Decks. This book focuses on before them. Starwatch Keep is times in the past, to defeat the lich-lord and send him back to the Isle of Terror. Relations GOLDENof steep stonework walls crusted with seaweed, barnacles, and small shellfish. Keep trackof each type of creature you successfully identify with RecallKnowledge. mud-brick towers on the islands western The Immenwood hides many ruins and lost settlements, along with several plains, as well as an identical structure active fortresses. The vault also holds the huge tablets containing 4719 ar The current year. Countless caravans LANDStravel the trade routes between these nations, rolling through the nomad-controlled 1893 ar Norgorber passes the SHININGGrass Sea. A maze of half-sunken ships called the Flotsam Absalom only months ago. in exchange for grants of land and titles. Absalom, City of Lost Omens is designed to showcase the many wonders of the grandest city in all of Golarion. Youre trained in the Society skill and the Absalom Lore skill. Most notable are Mount Ganog, Arazlant Mox, and the Weeping protected the towers and kept the aeon Grandfather, each of which has its own legends, tavern songs, and folklore. Absalom, City of Lost Omens is designed to showcase the many wonders of the grandest city in all of Golarion. This includes the architecture, the history, important locations, and most importantly, its people. The icy graspDamien Mammoliti and RobMcCaleb of the lich Tar-Baphon threatens to consume all that surrounds his Isle of Terror, andINTERIOR ARTISTSBiagioDAlessandro, Klaher Baklaher, the warring nations within his sight must now band together or perish.LucaBancone, RogiervandeBeek,TomaszChistowski, CynthiaF.G., MariuszGandzel, 5 Golden Road 48Michele Giorgi, FabioGorla, MiguelHarkness,Oksana Kerro, KaterinaKirillova, Named for both their golden sands and the wealth that flows through their markets, theKseniaKozhevnikova, Roman Roland Kuteynikov,ValeriaLutfullina, AndreaTentoriMontalto, nations of the Golden Road have built their empires on the power of trade. Yet the city has never fallen. Brick-framed medians upon the districtsbroad avenues stand lush with colorful flora,giving the district its name. 3660 ar The Dragon Plague beginsThe Darklands in Taldor, and magically controlled dragons rampageGolarions crust is riddled with cracks, and immense networks of tunnels and across the nation for acaverns connect every continent. back by Aroden himself. You must always meet Shadow Plane the prerequisites of the feat you gain in This dark and twisted reflection of the Material Plane doesnt follow the same this way. month that adventurers thwart KINGDOMS the Whispering TyrantsThe Coins surprise attack on Absalom, 15 Watcher-Lord Ulthun II of theMuch of Absaloms mercantile activity takes place in this sprawling hive of crowded fallen nation of Lastwall andstreets and teeming markets. Absalom, City of Lost Omens Subscribers that already got to read this new book, how do you like it? Absalom - City of Lost Omens. In their songs and the records of lost empires, Sarusan is a wild and mysterious land 4697 ar The Goblinblood Wars ravage where giant mammals long extinct on other continents still roam immense frozen Isger, drawing soldiers from deserts and dense woodlands. One must be to Constitution or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost. LANDSSpirits, while to the south the serpentine nagas and their humanoid nagaji rule 4718 ar The Runelords return from EYE OFhumid swamps at the edge of the Valashmai Jungle. Yet Golarion has many larger oceans, each Lastwall and ravaging Avistan MWANGIteeming with its own unique dangers and treasures. Hundreds of ships from all over Golarion dock in Absaloms harbor every day, and goods from scores of nations flow through Lastwalls final Watcher-Lord fled to the Docks to the citys markets. Thedeath of Aroden weakened the towers magic, however, andnow the harvested trees replenish at the normal rateperhapseven slowerand the lumber barons of the Kortos Consortiumlook to druids in hopes of restoring the forest to its previousglory. They are joined by scattered settlements of by Aroden, the wizard-kingsnowcaster elves, dwarves, and frost giants, as well as more predatory residents Tar-Baphon returns as thelike wendigos, dragons, and remorhazes. You gain the Steady Balance skill feat. Escadar alsofeatures the House of the Cresting Wave, an embassyof the Low Azlanti, who dredge treasures from the seato hock in the citys modest public markets.Backgrounds Choose two ability boosts. Choose two ability boosts. Its said that Erran holds more secrets than all volumes of the Pathfinder OLDChronicles combined, as the isles northern forests contain hundreds of tombs CHELIAXand monoliths unrelated to Aroden or his religion. For millennia when viewed from the sea and are as identifiable to sailors and islanders as the they enhanced agriculture on Kortos, Absalom Lighthouse, Eastgates Blue Tower, and the Spire of Nex. Absalom, City of Lost Omens is definitely one of the outliers of the entire Pathfinder Second Edition setting books. Patrols of the First Guards Eagle Garrison range the trails connecting the forests of the islands settlement to house the settlements, which often fall prey to outlaws. MENAGERIE DUNG SWEEPER BACKGROUND Whether you washed warrior beasts below the Iroriums arena floor or tended to the mutated animals of a Puddle sideshow, you are experienced with all manner of weird wildlife. CHILD OF THE PUDDLES BACKGROUND FREED SLAVE OF ABSALOM BACKGROUND You grew up in the soggy, squalid quarter of Absalom known as the Puddles. Second Edition LOST OMENSWorld GuideLOST OMENSWorld GuideAUTHORS Table of ContentsTanya DePass, James Jacobs,Lyz Liddell, Ron Lundeen, Liane Merciel, 1 Overview 6Erik Mona, Mark Seifter, and James L. Sutter This overview presents all of the continents and regions of the world known as Golarion,DEVELOPMENT LEADSEleanor Ferron and Luis Loza as well as the planets and planes that lie beyond itbut still reach past their boundaries toADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT influence the land of Lost Omens!Mark Seifter 2 Absalom and Starstone Isle 12DESIGN LEADMark Seifter One of the oldest and most influential cities in Golarion, Absalom was founded by the livingADDITIONAL GAME DESIGN god Aroden and is home to the legendary Starstone Cathedral. Absalom, but are eventually turned away by the citys Absalom defenders. Several mortals have traveled Logan Bonner across the Inner Sea to Absalom and gained godhood from the Test of the Starstone, and EDITING LEAD Undead creatures in Absalom, from the Founding Laws BROKENalways a potential menace in the Cairnlandsare notably more numerous Aroden inscribed upon giant stone LANDSwithin this region. AGE OF DARKNESS Likewise, Game Masters will find a rich and exciting world filled with hundreds 5293 ar The monstrous alghollthus of inspiring characters, plots, and adventure locations to get their creativity flowing, call down Earthfall to as well as new gear and magical items to reward their band of adventurers. When MWANGIusing a skill untrained, your proficiency bonus is equal to your EXPANSElevel instead of 0. Absaloms teeming waterfront is a district of taverns, flophouses, and warehouses echoing with sailors chanteys, barking dockworkers, and the trundling of wagons WATCHER-LORD ULTHUN II carrying cargo through crowded streets. They could the Inner Sea, destroy venture into the ancient pyramids of Osirion, where mummies guard magic from a the empires of Azlant and lost age, or battle dragons in the fractious orc hold of Belkzen. When you successfully Aid a skillcheck, if you attempt the exact same skill check (not just usingthe same skill, but using it for the same purpose, for instance acheck to Climb the same wall) on your next turn, you gain a +1circumstance bonus to your skill check.THOROUGH REPORTS FEAT 4 ARCHETYPE SKILLPrerequisites Pathfinder Agent DedicationYour reports are thorough and informative, and putting yourthoughts to paper helps you retain the information. Yet the majority of the Crown consists lich known as the Whisperingof icy desolation, trackless wastes occasionally interrupted by strange ruins. Now, after the death of its founder-god Aroden, the disappearance of its lord mayor, and new attacks from some of its greatest foes, Absalom stands at the crossroads of a new and uncertain destiny! Its ruins are inhabited by Mendevian Crusade, hoping to monsters, guarded by Mordant Spire elvesmysterious warriors who watch over close the Worldwound. Check this ebook now Pages Published Publisher. INLANDER BACKGROUND You grew up in an untamed region of the Isle of Kortos, and you know how to survive in the wild. Personally, I found it too much Grim Dark and Low Fantasy for the biggest and highest level city of the fantastic world of golariam. Like Pathfinder 2e - Lost Omens? They are the birthplaces can select any feat from that archetype of elementals, genies, and other such creatures. Earthfall obliterated Azlant and its Lastwall with, as well as what personal, cultural, historical, colonies, but new societies arose from the ruins. The Holt provides a refuge for nature- loving adventurers like druids and rangers, whom the cult hires to tackle all manner of adventures designed to further Iolanthes influence in the city and Greater Kortos. The Kortos Consortium of STARSTONEbeckon adventurers to explore their darkened depths. From coast to coast, signs of the islands extreme antiquity are evident everywhere, from the overgrown fortresses of the Immenwood to the crumbling Aeon Towers of the Swardlands. From dawn to dusk, hawkers tout their wares to his decimated retinue arrive to a heroes welcome.NOTABLE FIGURES streetwise customers, haggling in a hundred languages amid bleating livestock, performing musicians, and the grind of wagon wheels on cobblestones. When in port,sailors mix in Escadars numerous barracks, saloons,gambling dens, and drug parlors. In the Arcadian Ocean, the magical ruins of ancient Azlant once roughly every 24 hours. MSRP $54.99. Acting IMPOSSIBLE Siege Lord Wynsal Starborn LANDSAzlanti Keep orders the manumission of MWANGI all slaves in Absalom willing EXPANSEAroden himself designed and erected this multitowered fortified keep, and the to fight in defense of the city.structures traditional ancient Azlanti style has been widely imitated throughout Slave trading and slavery OLDAbsalom and the Inner Sea region over the ages. Other dimensions and planes of existence, known collectively Sunday (Sunday)ACCESS TO RULES ELEMENTS as the Great Beyond, are equally important to the daily life of Golarions residents, both for the magic and monsters they birth, and for the Cycle of Souls that every Sometimes, a stat block for an mortal spirit must follow. Flotillas of traders hug the coasts TIME CHELIAXof the Obari Ocean, reaping huge profits from trade between Garund and Vudraby way of Iblydos, yet kept from faster blue-water routes by flame cyclones and Like Earth, Golarion spins on its axis SAGAmarauding dragons. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. Yet no matter how these empires spread their wings, they are constantly Test of the Starstone and KINGDOMSreminded of their own mortality by the ruins of those vast civilizations that came achieves godhood.beforeplaces like Iobaria, fallen in the wake of the plague known as the Choking 7Death, and great Ninshabur, razed to the ground by the Spawn of Rovagug, the 2632 ar The elves return to Golarionmonstrous offspring of the god of destruction. Immediately thereafter, he lifted the whole of the Isle of Kortos from the ocean home for the thousands of depths and founded the settlement of Absalom at the site of his apotheosis to serve faithful flocking to the newly as the gathering point of his growing cult. uncommon rules element might include While its difficult for mortal minds to grasp the true shape of the multiverse, it a bold Access entry that lists specific can be thought of as an immense fruit: the skin that holds in the rest of reality is criteria. The citys The following figures are important to largest market, the Grand Bazaar, is said to contain nearly any object a buyer could Absalom and the Isle of Kortos. These archetype feats have the skill trait, and you select them in place of a First World skill feat, otherwise following the same A rough draft of the Material Plane later painted over by the gods, this realm of rules above. Past, to defeat the lich-lord and send him back to the Isle Kortos... 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